It's that time of year again. When we look out to the landscape and try to take our best stab at what is going to occur over the next 12 months.
This year marks the 8th year of producing this annual piece. Notably, it has become a more and more condensed version. What started as an end of year report has dwindled down into a bullet-ed list. Here's my first prediction -- based on the year ahead, 2019 will probably be the same. Although if you've been following this for the past few years, my predictions aren't always accurate.
Which isn't the point of course. The point is to simply illustrate forward thinking. A desire to try and make the best bet.
So here we have it -- the 2018 predictions, in no particular order. Unlike other years, the vast majority of these were based off of conversations that I've had with smart people over the past several months which led to thought provoking ideas. Which brings us full-circle to the entire "innovation by proximity" theory I've been preaching on about for the past two seasons.
Without further ado...

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